Quantum GIS & Inkscape: Cartographic Tools for Attractive Maps

Session Type: 
Tech Session
Michele Tobias, University of California, Davis

You know how you can always tell a map with a particular software by the map has that standard north arrow and legend and the data has that one color scheme that everyone seems to use...? How do you break out of the mold and make an attractive, innovative map? I will present a work-flow for making a polished map taking your data from Quantum GIS to Inkscape, an open source vector illustration program. I'll discuss options for exporting your data from Quantum GIS to import into Inkscape and the problems I have encountered in this process. I'll also demonstrate some of the tools commonly needed in Inkscape for cartography.

Speaker Bio: 

Michele is a PhD candidate at the University of California, Davis.  She is a coastal biogeographer studying California's beach plant community and how human activities affect the plants. 

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