HTML5 for Rich Geospatial applications on the web

Session Type: 
Tech Session
Javier de la Torre, Vizzuality

HTML5 is rapidly caching and this is great news for sophisticated geospatial applications on the web. With features like Workers or Canvas the number of things that can be done on the browser is just growing exponentially. WebGL is also likely gonna be a game changer. In the session we would like to demonstrate some of this new capabilities with a FOSS web application develop to do geospatial analysis for endangered species. The tool is used to create the Red List of endangered species worldwide:

Speaker Bio: 

Javier is the lead developer and co-founder of Vizzuality. Over the past 8 years has been working on the field of biodiversity Informatics and geospatial technologies for biodiversity and conservation. Right now he works on CartoDB geospatial databases on the cloud to enable great visualizations.

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