
The Beta Version of Git Toolkit for Curricula for GIScience

Session Type: 
Mr Taichi Furuhashi, University of Tokyo
Dr Koichi Kubota

 The Board of Directors of the GIS Association of Japan (GISA) formed a working group to study GIS education curricula on October, 2002.
And in 2009, they completed Geographic Information Science (GIScience) Core Curriculum in Japan. However it means just core information like the item. That succession working group is concentrating on the making of contents now. In addition, we have to make more useful education toolkit for GIScience.

The education of Geographic Information Technology (GIT) is an education method of the application for spatial science. That concept includes many ideas with development, improvement, use case and evaluation as non-Black Box (Open Source) tools. We think that the directionality of the GIT toolkit looks like FOSS4G tools very well.

Especially, the experience of the design and development is indispensable for students of science and engineering.
Last year, we have developed some tools based on GIT toolkit is in our group aiming to help the experience.

In this summer, we will release some tools as beta version, please discuss and help our project for Japanese Students.

Speaker Bio: 

Taichi Furuhashi is president of MAPconcierge Inc, a vice-president of the OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan, a researcher of the center for spatial information science at the university of Tokyo and also a director of OSGeo Japan. He work with a Project of GIScience Core Curriculum in Japan.

PRIO-GRID: A Unified Spatial Data Structure

Session Type: 
Mr Andreas F Tollefsen, Peace Research Institute Oslo
Mr Håvard Strand
Halvard Buhaug

Contributions to the quantitative civil war literature increasingly rely on geo-referenced data and disaggregated research designs. While this is a welcome trend, it necessitates geographic information systems (GIS) skills and imposes new challenges for data collection and analysis. So far, solutions to these challenges differ between studies, hampering replication and extension of earlier work. This article presents a standardized structure for storing, manipulating, and analyzing high-resolution spatial data. PRIO-GRID is a vector grid network with a resolution of 0.5 x 0.5 decimal degrees, covering all terrestrial areas of the world. The released dataset comes with cell-specific information on a large selection of political, economic, demographic, environmental, and conflict variables for all years, 1946–2008. A simple descriptive data assessment is offered to demonstrate how PRIO-GRID may be applied in social science research.

Speaker Bio: 

Andreas F. Tollefsen is Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo. He holds an MA. in Geography from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He is also the winner of the Stuart A. Bremer travel award 2009.

FOSS Tools for Geospatial and Agent Based Modelling to Evaluate Climate Change in an Agricultural Watershed

Session Type: 
Dr Alireza Ghaffari, York University
Dr Martin Bunch
Dr Rod MacRae
Joseph Zhao

Land-use changes are typically modeled using geographic information systems because of the spatial nature of the data. But the complexity of coupled human and natural systems and the fourth dimension involved with change over time and time-series data expose some limitations of GIS tools when used on their own. In this paper we present the application of REPAST, a free and open source geospatial Multi-agent Model (a.k.a. Agent-based Model or ABM) to the dynamic simulation of greenhouse gas (GHG) changes in a sub-watershed in Ontario, Canada with predominantly agricultural land use. The combination of Geospatial analysis and use of an Agent Based Model is a new way to solve complex problems involving multiple decision makers on the landscape. The combination of these modeling approaches helps to address the time dimension in geospatial modeling problems. ABM can model dynamic systems, their evolutionary changes and importantly, can predict options for sustainable system configurations. As a part of this research project, open source tools were developed to integrate ABM and GIS environments, specifically with respect to data transport and coupling of GIS and REPAST tools. In this paper we present scenarios to estimate the GHG emissions in an agricultural watershed, and the FOSS tools we both adopted and have been developing to undertake this project.


Speaker Bio: 

I received my PH.D. in Physical Geography from Nottingham University, England (2006).Since January 2007, I have been working as a researcher and post doc fellow with the Department of Earth Space Science, Emergency Management Program, and most recently at the Faculty Environmental Studies. During this period, I have been involved with various research projects funded by GEOIDE and NSERC. In my current position as a post doc fellow at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, I work on a project that aims to evaluate the effects of organic farming on greenhouse gas using a GIS based agent based model.

At the same time, I have been working as a part time instructor for Wilfred Laurier University and Lakehead University (Orillia Campus), teaching various courses including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Arial Photo Interpretation. My research interest is Spatial Analysis/Modeling and GIS implementation in natural and technological hazards.


Decision Support System for Environmental Regulation and Licensing

Session Type: 
MSc Eduardo Antonio Speranza M.Sc., Embrapa Informática Agropecuária
Dr Silvia Maria Fonseca Silveira Massruhá Ph.D.
Silva, João dos Santos Vila
Akamine, Willlian Hiroki
Vendrusculo, Laurimar Gonçalves
Lima, Helano Póvoas

The Embrapa Agricultural Informatics, decentralized unit of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), is developing a system for environmental regulation and licensing, called SISLA - Interactive System Support for Environmental Licensing. At first, the system is being used by the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, and the peculiarities of the system to specifically meet this state are being developed in partnership with the Environment Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul (Imasul).

The SISLA was conceived with the use of free or open source tools, such as PostgreSQL and its spatial extension PostGIS, MapServer and i3Geo. Among its main features, stand out the analysis of georeferenced surrounding farms applicants for environmental licensing for projects; queries georeferenced of licensing procedures; and technical analysis of the licensing process. The first allows enterprising to check, quickly and simply by the Internet, the proximity or intersection of​ your property in relation to protected areas by the state government. The second allows managers to monitor the evolution of state licensing processes in the various municipalities that comprise the state. Finally, the third allows a visual analysis of the areas of licensing applicants for technical expertise as well as its comparison with other themes, including satellite imagery, in order to find irregularities that might impede the continuity of the process.

Speaker Bio: 

Graduate at Computer Science from São Pauo University (2003) and master's at Electric Engineering from São Paulo Univesity (2008). Systems Analist from Embrapa since 2007.

Open Source Geospatial Software Powering Department of Defense Installation and Environment Business Systems

Session Type: 
Tech Session
Joel Schlagel, US Army Corps of Engineers

This briefing will highlight the successful integration of open-source geospatial tools into three large-scale geographic information systems within the U.S Department of Defense:

  1. The DISDI Portal. The DISDI Portal assists the Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) in meeting its goal of leveraging spatial information across the installation and environment (I&E) business mission areas to better manage global installations and bases.
  2. Army Mapper. The Army Mapper supports the the U.S. Army Installation Geospatial Information & Services (IGI&S) program office by ensuring the availability of data and services that support the overall management and resourcing of Army installations worldwide.
  3. USACE CorpsMap. CorpsMap is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) nationwide enterprise GIS implementation. CorpsMap supports a single USACE common operating picture and provides secure integration of geospatial data across business lines and secure access to this information within and beyond the Corps.

Tools such as GDAL, MapServer, OpenLayers, and MapFish have proven to be well suited to the task of supporting these large, complex, highly available systems. We will also highlight our general use of open-source software principles including code sharing and re-use, which increase efficiency and reduce costs.

Speaker Bio: 

Joel Schlagel is an environmental scientist with twenty years experience in design and deliver of geospatial information systems. He serves as the technical lead for multiple agency scale geospatial information systems including the USACE CorsMap and DISDI Portal. Mr. Schlagel is a leading proponent for the integration of open source software and open source principals in the development of standards based information systems for the US Government.

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