Integration of GeoServer with NoSQL databases
This presentation will introduce a GeoServer Plugin for the NoSQL Mongo Database. Cloud-based data storage built around NoSQL document-oriented stores continues to grow, this plugin offers GeoServer-based visualization of geospatial data stored in MongoDB. The plugin allows a MongoDB instance with GeoJSON-encoded data to be used as a backing store for GeoServer. The plugin, developed in Java, is available under a GNU GPL v2 license.
The presentation will address the derivation of implied schema from a schema-less NoSQL store for use with GeoServer's Feature objects, handling type conflicts in document fields, performance issues calculating this schema for a new GeoServer Data Store, and the use of MongoDB's map-reduce to distribute the load when operating in a sharded cloud environment. Each MongoDB collection is generally stored as a separate GeoServer layer, although mixed-geometry collections can be split out into corresponding layers for visualization.