Opticks: Overview Of An Open Source ELT

Session Type: 
Tech Session
Kip Streithorst, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
Mr Trevor Clarke, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.

Opticks is an expandable open-source remote sensing and imagery analysis platform.  Opticks is a desktop application that can used to perform analysis of imagery, video, spectral, SAR, thermal and medical imagery. This presentation will provide a visual overview of Opticks capabilities. This presentation will also highlight some of the more popular extensions for Opticks; including hyper and multi-spectral analysis, Python scripting and IDL scripting.  This presentation will also include a quick overview of the C++ API, highlighting the possibilities for capabilities that can be built on top of Opticks.

Speaker Bio: 

Kip Streithorst is a developer and committer on the Opticks (http://opticks.org) project.

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